Reform Priorities: SMI Research & Funding

There has been a continuous decline in government research and funding towards severe mental illness in the past 30 years. Today, very little of the $2.2 billion spent by the National Institute of Mental Health, the main government agency that funds research into mental illness, goes towards projects that would actually improve the lives of people with severe mental illness (SMI) and their loved ones in their lifetime.

Treatment Advocacy Center seeks to hold the government and other entities accountable to ensure they maintain their focus on reducing the distress and improving the lives of people with severe mental illness and their families and loved ones. We work to support the development of treatments for and research into all aspects of serious mental illness, including clinical research for new treatments, epidemiological data on the prevalence of SMI diagnoses, and the impact of SMI on health, criminal legal, and social service systems.

Passionate about creating change? Us too.

Help us ensure that sufficient research funding is going toward the development of clinical treatments that will have an impact on individuals with SMI and their families in this lifetime.