We’re building a movement.

TAC tracks state and federal legislation with the ability to improve treatment accessibility, outcomes, and life for people affected by severe mental illness, but it’s the boots on the ground that push that legislation over the finish line. If you want to be a part of our work, let us help you connect with others are sign up to work on issues you care about the most.

State Grassroots Action

Starting with a small number of pilot programs, we are building up capacity to support state grassroots advocacy networks. Over time, our goal is to have a robust and organized grassroots network in each state able to become a powerful force for change for our allies and advocates on the ground. For those living in a state without an active pilot yet, we still organize, track bills, and provide action alerts for those on our list, so we encourage you to fill out our survey to let us know that you’re ready to take action. You’ll be the first to know when our a pilot is ready to launch in your state!

National SMI Campaigns

TAC is active federally, nationally, and regionally on issues that impact all people affected by SMI. We want to help our advocates engage with these campaigns so that their experiences and stories can inform what our leaders in Congress and within the federal government do when those decisions can have a significant effect, for better or worse, on people with SMI and those who care about them.

Are you a born leader?

Do you have the passion and grit to help organize and lead a network of your fellow local advocates? We are looking for people with a working knowledge of their state advocacy landscape who can partner with our staff to coordinate efforts, identify needs, and amplify our voices to take advantage of opportunities for reform and change wherever they arise. Take our survey if you want to be considered for a leadership role in your grassroots network!

Will you be part of our network of professionals?

Help us connect those affected by SMI with resources and professionals. Are you a doctor, lawyer, judge, counselor, estate planner, banker, representative payee, or peer able to help those affected by SMI to achieve stability and address specific challenges? We want to help people find you! Or do you have someone you’d like to recommend? Take our survey!