The Office of Research and Public Affairs (ORPA) is a research and policy center that works to inform the public about the important issues surrounding severe mental illness (SMI). We examine neglected topics that affect individuals with severe mental illness, their families, and society through rigorous research and careful policy analysis.

ORPA’s impact by the numbers

Our mission is to educate the public about severe mental illness. Our work has been widely cited in academic papers, media, and government reports, and ORPA statistics have been used by government officials in the highest levels of office. As of 2023, we have published:


Research Weekly blogs.


Original research reports.


Research summaries.


social media impressions every six months.

Explore ORPA


Reports and Publications

ORPA’s independent research focuses on topics that are under-collected or overlooked by researchers, government agencies, or other organizations.

Research Weekly

Our informative blog aims to make cutting-edge research on topics surrounding SMI more accessible. Stay up-to-date on the latest research by signing up to receive our blog.

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