Preventable Tragedies: Violence

Violence and severe mental illness (SMI) can be a divisive topic. Research shows that most people with SMI are not violent and are more likely to be victims of violence; however, when untreated, individuals with SMI are at an increased risk for violent behaviors towards themselves or others.

Risk factors for violence

Most individuals with mental illness who experience violent behaviors have additional risk factors that are similar to those without mental illness. These may include:

  • Substance use
  • Past violent victimization
  • History of trauma
  • Being a younger male
  • Presence of perceived threats
  • Recent significant life stressors
  • Poverty

What should I do if my loved one becomes violent?

Most violence committed by people with mental illness is directed towards family members. If this is something you or a loved one is experiencing, you can view our related resources in the Joan C. Scott Family Resource Center.

With treatment, the risk of violence for people with severe mental illness is significantly reduced.