South Dakota Severe Mental Illness Information, Laws, & Helpful Resources

The term severe mental illness (SMI) includes schizophrenia spectrum disorders, severe bipolar disorder, and major depression with psychotic features. These disorders put an individual at high risk for criminalization and preventable tragedies such as victimization and suicide. Every state has different laws and policies around accessing treatment for SMI and some states have more resources and treatment options than others. Here you will find state-specific resources for navigating the SMI treatment system, an evaluation of local laws, as well as state SMI data and research.

State of South Dakota next to Treatment Advocacy Center text, symbolizing local severe mental illness data, laws, and resources

Family Resources in Resources in South Dakota

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How many people in South Dakota have SMI?


individuals with severe mental illness.


individuals with SMI who receive treatment in a given year.

3.42 %

of the adult population is estimated living with a SMI in the United States.

State psychiatric hospital beds in South Dakota

2023 total beds: 67
  • Civil beds: 41
  • Forensic beds: 26
2023 beds per 100,000 people: 7.4

Click here for more information about state psychiatric hospital beds in South Dakota.

A minimum of 50 beds per 100,000 people is considered necessary to provide minimally adequate treatment for individuals with severe mental illness. South Dakota fails to meet this minimum standard.

For Additional Information

Data is a powerful tool to advocate for change. Curious about a specific data point in your state? Reach out to us at

Fast Facts on SMI in South Dakota

Deinstitutionalization, outdated treatment laws, discriminatory Medicaid funding practices, and the prolonged failure by states to fund their mental health systems drive those in need of care into the criminal justice and corrections systems.

Prevalence of SMI in jails and prisons
Estimated number of inmates with SMI in 2021
State psychiatric inpatient beds 2023
Likelihood of incarceration versus hospitalization
15 to 1

2021 South Dakota State Mental Health Agency's expenditures

Every state receives block grant funding from the federal government to provide mental health services to their community. Below is some information about how these dollars are spent and compares to other state spending.

SMHA expenditures
Percentage of expenditures for state hospitals
Expenditures per person served by the public mental health system
Percentage of SMHA expenditures of total state budget

South Dakota's Treatment Laws

S.D. CODIFIED LAWS § 27A-10-1. If any person is alleged to be severely mentally ill and in such condition that immediate intervention is necessary for the protection from physical harm to self or others, any person, eighteen years of age or older, may complete a petition stating the factual basis for concluding that such person is severely mentally ill and in immediate need of intervention.

S.D. CODIFIED LAWS § 27A-10-1. If any person is alleged to [meet the criteria], any person, eighteen years of age or older, may complete a petition stating the factual basis for concluding that such person is severely mentally ill and in immediate need of intervention. S.D. CODIFIED LAWS § 27A-1-2. A person is subject to involuntary commitment if: (1) The person has a severe mental illness; (2) Due to the severe mental illness, the person is a danger to self or others or has a chronic disability; and (3) The individual needs and is likely to benefit from treatment. S.D. CODIFIED LAWS § 27A-1-1(6). "Danger to others," a reasonable expectation that the person will inflict serious physical injury upon another person in the near future, due to a severe mental illness, as evidenced by the person's treatment history and the person's recent acts or omissions which constitute a danger of serious physical injury for another individual. Such acts may include a recently expressed threat if the threat is such that, if considered in the light of its context or in light of the person's recent previous acts or omissions, it is substantially supportive of an expectation that the threat will be carried out; S.D. CODIFIED LAWS § 27A-1-1(7). "Danger to self," (a) A reasonable expectation that the person will inflict serious physical injury upon himself or herself in the near future, due to a severe mental illness, as evidenced by the person's treatment history and the person's recent acts or omissions which constitute a danger of suicide or self- inflicted serious physical injury. Such acts may include a recently expressed threat if the threat is such that, if considered in the light of its context or in light of the person's recent previous acts or omissions, it is substantially supportive of an expectation that the threat will be carried out; or (b) A reasonable expectation of danger of serious personal harm in the near future, due to a severe mental illness, as evidenced by the person's treatment history and the person's recent acts or omissions which demonstrate an inability to provide for some basic human needs such as food, clothing, shelter, essential medical care, or personal safety, or by arrests for criminal behavior which occur as a result of the worsening of the person's severe mental illness.

Recommended updates to treatment laws

  1. 1

    Amend S.D. Codified Laws § 27A-10-1 to provide more direct access to court for citizen petitioners for emergency evaluation

  2. 2

    Add psychiatric deterioration criteria or amend grave disability criteria to include it

  3. 3

    Amend S.D. Codified Laws § 27A-10-14 in order to (1) provide procedural detail, including timelines and responsible parties; (2) require periodic reporting to the court; and (3) include a requirement that a written treatment plan be submitted to the court

  4. 4

    Amend S.D. Codified Laws § 27A-10-9.1 to extend duration of outpatient order beyond 90 days

  5. 5

    Amend S.D. Codified Laws § 27A-10-14 to extend duration of renewed order beyond 180 days